Case Studies From IIT Kanpur | Nationwide Article Writing Competition Prabandhan’2021 – The Flagship Management Conclave of IIT Kanpur
Hello Everyone, there is the biggest Article Writing competition for everyone launched by IIT Kanpur. In this Competition, Nationwide Article Writing Competition Prabandhan’2021 – The Flagship Management Conclave of IIT Kanpur, anyone can participate and join this effective programme to enhance their writing skills. Here you will be given one topic and you have to write your article within the deadline and submit it before missing the deadlines. This competition is totally free of cost.
Soch’21: A Nationwide Article Writing Competition: Stages and Timelines
Article Submission
The participants are required to submit an article on any one of the five topics mentioned in the detailed description by 25th September 2021. Read the instructions carefully prior to submission.
04 Sep’21 12:00 AM IST – 25 Sep’21 11:59 PM IST
All that you need to know about Soch’21: A Nationwide Article Writing Competition
MBA IIT Kanpur presents Soch’21, the article writing competition, as a part of Prabandhan’21. This article writing competition is presented in association with and seeks your expert opinion and thought-inspiring articles at Soch’21: From The Experts’ Mouth
Inviting today’s young to not just speak up, but to be heard as well. We’re looking for The One Idea that has the potential to change the corporate, social, and global landscapes. In these VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) times, contemporary global events are raising a battle cry on several fronts. Because the pen is mightier than the sword, we can now turn our attention to the Soch’21 battleground: From the Experts’ Perspective
Submit articles to articulate The One thought on any of the following topics:
- The One Idea – that can help lead business and society in the New Normal or overcome catastrophes
- The One Lesson – that the education system itself needs to learn to equip the youth for the future!
- The One World – that diversifies the discussion on diversity, to truly create equality for each one of us
- The One Technology – that will change our world where intelligence is artificial and reality is virtual!
- The One Investment – that can decrypt the code of abundance
- The participants are required to submit an article on any one of the above five topics. Make sure that the file that you submit is in PDF format. (Max. Page Limit: 3 pages)
- You can send your articles to or submit them on the D2C platform.
- Please ensure that the PDF file has your name and the institute/organization that you belong to. For example, “Sachin_Kumar_IIT_Kanpur.PDF”
- The PDF document must contain the following details along with the article:
- Participant Name
- Institute/organization Name
- Email Id
- Phone Number
- Font Style: Times New Roman or Arial, Font Size: 12, Spacing: 1.5
- The participants have complete freedom of using graphs, pictures, and infographics. It is mandatory to put the source or label for images used in the article.
- The deadline for the submission is 23:59:59 PM, 25th September 2021.
- By submitting an article to this contest, you agree to the following:
- The submission is your original work and free from plagiarism and any references have been cited appropriately
- It has not already been published and is not in the public domain.
- You assign exclusive rights, without any monetary consideration, to From The Experts’ Mouth to publish the article or part thereof, including for commercial purposes, in any format, and with appropriate edits and author attribution.
Start penning down your thoughts!
Note: Each participant can submit only one article. If you want to write more articles or want tips and tricks for writing; or to continue your journey of reading, sharing, and learning; you can visit
For any queries, you can mail us at
What are the important dates & deadlines?
24 Sep’21 11:59 PM IST Registration Deadline

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