RAJYA SABHA Internship | Government Free Internship

About the program

1. The Rajya Sabha Research and Study (RSRS) Scheme has three components, namely
Chair of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, four Rajya Sabha Fsocis, and 10 Rajya Sabha Student
Engagement engagement. The purpose of the Scheme is to promote research/empowerment/
a comparative study of the functioning of Parliament and other institutions of democracy as well
analyze their contributions to social and economic transformation; to ensure that
use of research to improve the functioning of Parliament; and energy empowerment
engaging with educational and research institutions in the field of
parliamentary/constitutional studies, development studies, public administration, law studies,

(i) Eligibility
The Chairperson is open to a well-known researcher/student / certified student/expert
research or studies record and publication in the study of the political system, democratically
institutions, and socio-economic challenges facing the nation. Former Members

Parliamentary / State Legislatures and former officials of Parliament / Secretaries of State Legislatures
are also eligible to apply.
The key qualifications of the applicant to the Chair are Ph.D. in the right place
study article.

The applicant of the Chairperson shall not exceed the age of 65 years at the time of application
(exemption by RAC in the event of a valid applicant). Applicant education allocations as well
further involvement will be considered during the election for him
may provide the time and energy required to carry out the research work of the Chairperson.

(ii) Time
The Chairperson shall have a term of two years (extended up to one year) from the date
of the Chairman’s award.

(iii) Learning Areas
The Chairperson shall perform the work on the research themes as considered and recommended
by the RAC for the broader purposes of approving research-based research by
The purpose of the Scheme.

The RAC will finalize a wide range of themes that may be derived from the recommendations received in
RAC members or from a list of bodies nominated by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat
or even suggestions received from applicants.

(iv) Monitoring the Duties and Responsibilities of the Chair
The Chairperson is required to make a representation to the RAC every six months to make a collaborative review of work progress. The Chairperson will have to take care of its
inputs and recommendations made by the RAC during the periodic review of the Chairperson’s work.
The Chairperson is required to submit a research report to the RAC at the end of the term of office.
The RAC will consider the draft report submitted by the Chairperson for approval
Honorable Chairperson, Rajya Sabha may also be informed from time to time regarding
continuation of the work of the Chairperson.

For more details visit the below link

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