Introduction to Kotlin Course with Free Certificate | Free Kotlin course to develop Android App

Hello Learners, this post is to inform you about the free online courses on Android Developement. Nowadays, every technocrat wants to make their own Android Application where they can implement their ideas They have innovative and creative ideas. But they don’t have proper guidance to convert their ideas into reality. So, for considering this as a problem, Today we come with a good solution and courses for you to become an Android Developer. Recently, Developers releases latest Android Development course for free of cost which have top mentors and provides you the baseic implementation of Android Development Using Kotlin. This is a free massive open online courses for everyone.

About the Course

In this course, you’ll learn about the power of Android app development and gain the skills you need to improve your chances of landing a job as a software developer. You’ll also have an advantage over other developers who are still using outdated tools and Android versions.

Android is constantly being updated, and you’ll learn how to target consumers of both current and older versions of Android.

You get the best of both worlds with this course. Using the AppCompat library, you’ll learn how to develop Android code that works with both the current and previous versions of Android. As a result, the apps you create will operate with more Android versions, giving you access to a larger user base.

It’s simple to get started because no prior programming experience is required. NONE! If you have it, that’s fantastic. It’s also OK if you just want to brush up on your Android coding knowledge.

The course is delivered using a mix of video, slides, and diagrams, all of which are meant to teach you what you need to know.

Here’s what one student has to say about the class.

If you’re thinking about learning how to make an Android app, this is the course for you.” It’s thorough and covers a wide range of topics related to Android app development. Tim explains and teaches you how to become an independent developer, which is the finest part.

Should you only create Android apps for the most recent version of Android?

If you own an iPhone or iPad, it’s likely that you update to the latest iOS version every year – the majority of people do.

With Android, the scenario is completely different. Only a small minority of Android users update their phones on a regular basis.

If you write your apps to only work with the most recent version of Android, you’ll assure that 95% of your potential users will never see them. The Google Play app store only displays apps that a user’s Android smartphone can run, so if their device isn’t running the most recent version of Android, they won’t be able to locate your app there!

How can you ensure that your app is compatible with previous Android versions?

Android development is less about making sure your apps function with the most recent version of Android and more about making sure your apps work with whatever Android versions your users have.

Google is aware of the issue and has developed the AppCompat library to address it. This is a way to ensure that your apps run on outdated devices.

Should you learn Kotlin?

We’re witnessing a big transition to Kotlin now that Google is pushing Android developers to use it so hard – it’s comparable to the iOS scenario with Objective-C when Apple debuted Swift a few years ago.

In a few years’ time, everyone is utilizing Swift. With Android app development, this is starting to happen. Developers who formerly utilised Java are now using Kotlin. It’s easy to see why Google would like this to happen. They’ve gone to court several times with Oracle (the creators of Java) over a dispute over the language’s use.

Google wants developers to use Kotlin instead of Java so they don’t have to worry about it.

The Google I/O conference recently featured a lot of Kotlin code samples. It’s clear where we’re going. For Android app development, Kotlin is the way to go.

Fewer Java developers will be building Android apps in the future; instead, they will use Kotlin.

The good news is that the course includes a thorough Kotlin tutorial that we created from scratch. As a result, not only do we use Kotlin in this course (while also teaching best practises), but we also include a thorough Kotlin tutorial. This course will teach you how to use the Kotlin programming language.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is perfect for absolute beginners with no previous programming experience.
  • However, if you’re already an expert Android Kotlin programmer with knowledge of all the latest updates, then this course is not for you.
  • Existing Android Java Programmers who want to transition to Kotlin for Android app development.

What you’ll learn

  • Learn the core Android app development and Kotlin skills to build real Android apps.
  • Learn how to target current and older versions of Android when writing your apps.
  • Understand how to create Android apps using Kotlin.
  • Be able to apply for Android app development roles.

For more information, Prefer this Video

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