Geeks For Geeks Free Merchandise | Free Swags & Goodies | Learn Data Structure & Win Free Amazon Vouchers
Is it hard for you to get into the habit of coding? Geeks For Geeks is going to give you a little extra incentive to keep you motivated!
To improve your coding skills, answer one question each day and you could win some great rewards. With a wide range of questions focused on Data Structures and Algorithms, you’ll have just 24 hours to embrace your inner Geek and complete the challenge.
Every day, solve a Data Structures and Algorithms-related challenge and you’ll be entered into a chance for a variety of rewards. The Problem of the Day is broadcast live on a daily basis.
About Geeks For Geeks Competitive Coding
GeeksforGeeks comes up with an adventurous and amazing opportunity for the coder, and programmer, where you’ll be required to solve 1 problem based on Data Structures and Algorithms on a daily basis and win exciting prizes such as Swags, Free Amazon Vouchers, Merchandise, GFG Premium. You will have the access to unlock premium subscription courses.
Instructions For Participants
- The questions will be drawn from a database of public problems available on the GFG Practice Portal.
- You may have previously solved the featured Problem of the Day if you are a frequent user of our Practice Portal. To keep the streak going and earn a Geek Bit, you must submit your solution again.
- Only the questions that we ask each day will count toward earning Geek Bits. Any previous submissions or the number of questions you’ve answered in the past will be ignored.
- The questions will cover a wide range of difficulty levels and DSA subjects.
- The questions can be answered in C++, Java, or Python.
- Our crucial test results will be used to evaluate each submission. For a Geek Bit, only a completely submitted solution will be evaluated.
- Each question contains tips that you can use if you get stuck. Although you will lose points for using clues, your work will still be evaluated for a Geek Bit.
- You will not receive any Geek Bits if you view the entire solution before submitting your answer.
- The problem will be completed in 24 hours, starting at midnight each day, according to Indian Standard Time.
Geek Nomenclature

Solve a problem to earn one Geek Bit.

If you successfully solve problems for 8 consecutive days you will get 8 additional Geek Bits.

You must have over 50 Geek Bits to be eligible for redeeming prizes
Rewards & Prizes
- GfG Merchandise
- Discount on GfG Courses
- Amazon Voucher
- Annual GfG Premium Subscription