Free Swags, Stickers & Goodies | Free Swags For Developers | Dev Swag Opportunities 2021

Hello Readers/Developers of India, there is a piece of outstanding news for everyone to get Free Swags, Goodies, and exciting Prizes. Great opportunity for everyone to get Free Goodies & Swags shipped at your home.

As a developer, nothing piques my interest more than developer swag!

I created devSwag to scratch my own itch by starting a curation of such opportunities in Feb ’18. These are crowdsourced and verified by the community. All of them ship worldwide

Here, you can earn the Swags & Goodies in may ways-


Fill out the form, and get some stickers sent to you!

DEV Podcast

Leave a review about DevNews OR DevDiscuss podcasts on Apple Podcasts and get a free pack of DEV stickers.


Simply fill in your postal address and get free stickers! (Shipped worldwide)


Submit 3 issues and 1 PR to their repo, get a t-shirt and stickers.


Get swag for migrating websites to Docusaurus 2!


Make your first contribution to the NativeScript community and win an awesome set of stickers. Among the stickers you will find a limited edition ‘Contributor’ sticker.


Contribute to opsdroid and receive some stickers!

Write a blog post on front-end development topics, get some cool Alligator stickers!

JS Bin

Fill out a Google form with your name and address and get a sticker. There’s no cost to you, but they will be restricting the send-outs to bi-monthly or quarterly depending on demand.


Get a pull request merged into Gatsby and receive a free shirt, socks, or stickers.


Everyone who gets 1 PR accepted to a Kong repo can get a Kong Contributor T-shirt!


Get 30 ++’s on a single rant you’ve posted to devRant to receive 3 free high-quality devRant laptop stickers! Or post an awesome rant that gets over 750 ++’s to receive a free devRant squishy stress ball!


Submit 15 builds in 30 days, get stickers sent your way! (Ships only to North America and Europe)


Fix a bug, get a fashionable pair of socks!

For more Understanding, you can follow the below video:

Also, Checkout this Beginners Course to Master Microsoft Excel

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Also, Checkout this Computer Free Certificate

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