Free Certification On Data Analytics & Predictive Technologies | Free Online Certificate 2021 | IIT BHU Free Course With Certificate

Hello Tech Learners, Today we come with new opportunity for you all. In this article we will tell you about Free Certification Course on Data Analytics and Predictive Technologies. Astounding opportunity for you to learn the about the one of the most emerging technology in today’s era. Grab this Golden opportunity 🌟🌟 ASAP and kindly register for to grab premium knowledge with this certified course.

About Data Analytics:

Data Analytics is the most emerging technology in today’s scenario and most of the recruiters are also searching for the candidates who gained a premium knowledge on Data Science and Data Analytics or prefer candidates who are skilled in Data Analytics. Data Analytics is the most widespread technology which is more helpful in Business. Data Analytics is the study of investigating ordered data to make decisions about that information. The methods and cycles of information examination have been mechanized into mechanical cycles and calculations that work over crude information for human utilization. Information examination assist a business with streamlining its exhibition.

А соmbinаtiоn оf АI, big dаtа аnаlytiсs, аnd dаtа sсienсe teсhniques seems tо be а grоwing trend in mаny industry seсtоrs, with рrediсtive аnаlytiсs being оne оf the mоst well-knоwn. Vаst numbers оf sоftwаre рlаtfоrms аre аvаilаble fоr dаtа extrасtiоn, sсrubbing, аnаlysis, аnd visuаlizаtiоn. Sоme оf these рlаtfоrms аre sрeсiаlized fоr саrrying оut оne оf the аbоve-listed аsрeсts оf dаtа аnаlytiсs, while оthers оffer а generаlist tооl tо саrry оut аlmоst аll tаsks rаnging frоm dаtа sсrubbing tо visuаlizаtiоn. This соurse gives аn оverview оf different dаtа аnаlytiс meсhаnisms аnd аlsо рrоvides а brief knоwledge оf vаriоus dаtа аnаlytiсs tооls. Аfter the соmрetitiоn оf this соurse, раrtiсiраnts саn аррly the dаtа аnаlytiсs mоdel in reаllife рrоblem sоlving.

About Data Analytics & Predictive Technologies:

Under the aegis of Interdisciplinary Data Analytics And Predictive Technologies (IDAPT) has recently launched Data Analytics and Predictive Technologies in collaboration with Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. This is the 1 week Online course in the duration of 5th July to 10th of July, 2021.

Course NameFree Certification on Data Analytics and Predictive Technologies
Launched ByDepartment of Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering
Mode of LearningOnline
Last Registration Date30 June 2021
Course Duration5 to 10th of July 2021

Join this Data Analytics and Predictive Learning Course for Free of Cost and enhance your knowledge or gain premium knowledge in the field of Data Analytics by highly skilled professionals from IITs, NITs institute/industry. Apply Link is given below, Limited Seats are available, register for it as soon as possible.


• Data Analytics Scope & Applications
• Data Analysis Techniques
• Predictive and Descriptive Data Analysis
• Introduction to Statistical Learning
• Introduction to Python for Data Analytics
• Regression & Classification Problems
• Linear and Logistic Regression
• Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines
• K-NN Algorithm, Principal Component Analysis,
Cluster Analysis
• Deep Learning: Deep Neural Network,
Convolutional Neural Network,
• Recurrent Neural Network,
• Introduction to transfer Learning
• Analyzing the categorical data, streams data etc.
• Applications in Health, Energy, Agriculture, Smart Infrastructure etc.


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