2 Free Government Competition and Prize

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2 Government Prize Competition
Essay Writing Competition

Road safety is an emerging trend nowadays. Road traffic accident (RTA) is a global disaster hampering the life of millions. Every day 414 valuables’ lives are lost due to road accidents. Road safety reflects the character of a person. After many road safety campaigns and awareness programs, there is still an increase in deaths in India, ranking first in the number of road accident deaths across the 199 countries and accounting for almost 11% of the accident-related deaths in the World. Not only in India, Road traffic continues to be a major developmental issue, a public health concern, and is a leading cause of death and injury across the World killing more than 1.35 million globally as reported in the Global Status report on Road Safety 2018 with 90% of these casualties taking place in the developing countries.

Road safety needs are attention and we need your help to spread awareness about road safety.

IRSC calls for articles on the topics
1. “Transport post CoVID-19”
2. “Developing countries and Traffic management”

Put on your thinking cap and showcase your research and analytical abilities. Articles will be judged on the basis of research and opinions. The articles should meet the word limit of 1000- 1500 words and should be in a .pdf format.

1st prize: 5000
2nd prize: 3000
3rd prize: 2000

Poster Making Contest

A picture is worth a thousand words, but a picture that is crafted from the boundless depth of your creativity is worth making a change. 17 lives are lost every passing hour in India due to road mishaps and accidents; close to 150 wild animals die due to the carelessness of the one on the driving seat. A change in perspectives is much needed to make people understand the importance of the lines -“Prevention is better than cure.” It’s high time to ask the question – Who will make the change? If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

So pick up your art supplies, turn on your graphing tablets, and turn on the creative assets in your head to dive into making a significant change by creating a poster! In view of the forthcoming National Road Safety Month 2021, the Indian Road Safety Campaign and Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is conducting a Poster Competition for people of all ages on the theme – “Road Safety – Preventing the loss of lives.”

The entries could be digital submissions, hand-drawn sketches, paintings with any medium, and illustrations in .pdf format.

Prizes for participants:
First prize for the winner: 5000
Second prize for runner up: 3000
Third prize for Second runner up: 2000

The last date of submission is 10th February 2021

Salient features:

  • This quiz will give idea about road safety
  • Indian Road safety
  • Road safety changes

Terms and Condition :

  • This is a timed  questions to be answered in
  • These questions will be randomly picked from the question bank.
  • Winners will be adjudged on the basis of maximum number of correct answers.
  • In case of multiple participants having given same number of correct answers, the participants who take the least time to complete the quiz will be adjudged the winner.
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